2011 Alliance Award Winner - J. Robert Havlick Award.
From its onset, the use of the PPG by the SOAR unit was never intended to be a replacement for commonly used forms of police aviation, such as an airplane or helicopter...
In January 2007 the Palm Bay, FL Police Department and DNA:SI LABSSM started collaborating in an ongoing effort to develop a unique and practical DNA based investigative tool....
When the City of Sonoma, CA was facing a severe water shortage they took on a number of programs which encouraged residents to use less water.
The intent of collaborating with both private and other public entities was to allow for increased delivery of recreational services
The City of Windsor Heights, IA created a citizen engagement program to help close a growing communication gap between the city
The Village of Schaumburg, IL recognizes a need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Realizing one of the greatest areas of need in their community was a lack of affordable day care, partnered with various local businesses.
Kent County, MI created the Kent School Services Network in order to improve student achievement by addressing their physical and mental health needs...
City government exists to improve the quality of life of Philadelphians.