Submit ideas on what kind of information, guidance, and tools would help you and your community prepare for recovery.
FEMA accepting requests for waivers of certain debts from disasters declared between 8/05 and the end of 2010, if the debt arose from an improper individual assistance payment.
Recipients will be recognized during ICMA’s 98th Annual Conference, October 7-10, 2012 in Phoenix/Maricopa County, Arizona.
Give your time and talent to an ICMA Committee or Task Force. ICMA is launching five new opportunities, in addition to ongoing member committees.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has crafted a seven-step approach that achieves energy management and savings in all building types, including local government buildings.
Inside: Key Things to Know About • Local Agency Financial Policies • Budget Creation and Monitoring •
Building energy codes set minimum legal standards for the energy efficiency of new homes.