Effective nighttime planning, tailored to both local challenges and opportunities, is key.
Introducing a new series of articles challenging local government leaders to be bold, creative, and willing to think differently about the status quo.
Now more than ever, it’s crucial that we engage with students, especially at HBCUs, to connect them with opportunities for their future in local government.
Hailed as “far more than just another continuing education opportunity,” this three-week program has helped many local government leaders grow in their career.
The new edition of The Effective Local Government Manager is your go-to resource for achieving your professional development goals.
Whether sudden or expected, the transition to the top spot can go more smoothly if you start planning now.
When life hands you the worst slings and arrows, don’t hesitate in seeking help and guidance.
As a senior advisor for ICMA and the Colorado City and County Management Association, Greg Schulte has advice for those approaching retirement from local government.