Montgomery County, OH stresses the importance of multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) when addressing complex challenges.
February 11, 2014 As anticipation mounts that Detroit will file a plan to adjust its debt with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court next week and with the ongoing confusion of public pensions, bond holders, and in the case of Detroit, art, PensionDialog spoke with Mr. Robert D. Klausner to better understand the basics of municipal bankruptcy...

A common misconception about solar photovoltaic (PV) panels is that they inherently cause or create “too much” glare.

South Bay Cities Council of Governments hosted a day-long solar energy workshop for local governments

Aggregate Net Metering: Opportunities for Local Governments is a report from the North Carolina Solar Center released under the SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership.

After designing and building the AIM Impact Tool, this document provides the background for constructing an action plan that lays the framework for applying the tool...

As costs of renewable energy come down and more systems connect to the grid, interconnection procedures developed over the last decade are under strain(...)

As more and more local governments and individuals look to develop and support solar power installations on their homes and communities...

As more individuals, corporations, and local governments consider photovoltaic (PV) solar energy as a means of controlling their energy costs