Retirees rely more on supplemental plans, but little is known about them.
A professional exchange organized by ICMA and Global Communities allowed three representatives from the Palestinian Contractors Union to learn from established American membership associations.

Inspired by mentors to become more involved in ICMA, Cotter has become an ICMA Credentialed Manager, is an active participant in the Knowledge Network, and has served on multiple ICMA committees during his career. Cotter describes his service as "a small way to give back to the organization. Each ICMA member should seek to serve on a committee, board or other volunteer task force."
The goals of citizen engagement should be much deeper than what a local government can get through a simple public hearing.

ICMA is pleased to announce a new feature that will allow us to welcome new members to our ICMA community in a more streamlined fashion.
Ambulance service for Pinellas County, Florida, provides service and clinical outcomes for a disproportionately older population.