"Greetings from Montpelier, Vermont" presentation for ICMA Northeast Regional Summit 2014.

After participating in educational exchange visits with Santa Ana, California, two Salvadoran cities adapted a school-based gang reduction program from Santa Ana and conducted a successful pilot in three schools.
"The Challenge of Culture Change: How do you create and sustain excellence?" presentation for ICMA Northeast Regional Summit 2014.

“My ICMA and NJMMA memberships provide the greatest value through the many opportunities to meet and talk with top-notch professional managers who share my passion for good government. I can’t think of a conference that I did not leave without renewed enthusiasm and dedication for the work we do."

In this issue of Career Compass, Dr. Benest rolls out a plan for making sure your meetings are a success.

Initiative brings together regional and local government employees, agencies, and businesses with data-driven tools to help them better understand, manage, and prepare for impacts of climate change.