Charging Smart Logo.

Key Project Information


U.S. Department of Energy

Period of Performance



United States

ICMA's Role

Charging Smart is a national designation program that offers local governments free electric vehicle (EV) readiness technical assistance. The program gives them the tools to facilitate and speed deployment of EVs via nationally recognized best practices.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Readiness and Communities 

Local jurisdictions are key players in establishing policies, procedures, and programs affecting the deployment of EV charging equipment in their communities. Local governments can make EV charging more accessible for residents, businesses, and visitors by streamlining the EV equipment installation process. 

Project Details 

Charging Smart is a national designation program recognizing communities taking steps to support streamlined electric vehicle (EV) readiness. The program provides free technical assistance so communities can successfully achieve the designation criteria across the following six categories: planning, regulation, utility engagement, education and incentives, government operations, and shared mobility. You can read more about the criteria in the Program Guide. 

The program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Charging Smart Team is committed to transforming the transportation system in ways that positively benefit people, the environment, and the economy through access to charging infrastructure. 

Charging Smart is part of the Energy Ready suite of programs, which also includes SolSmart and Distributed Wind Smart. All Energy Ready programs support local jurisdictions as they pursue clean energy goals. 

How Charging Smart Helps Your Community 

Now, more than ever, local jurisdictions are taking action to accelerate the transition to clean energy technologies, and action at the local level is fundamental to successful and accessible establishment of electric vehicle (EV) equipment. Using their unique and influential position, local governments can secure economic growth, mobility, and improved air quality for their residents, businesses, and visitors. Local government action can also reduce the ‘soft costs’ of deploying EV infrastructure: government action on associated policies, procedures, and programs can lower permitting, inspection, and interconnection costs. 

The Charging Smart program has two main components: first, the program provides free technical assistance to help local governments follow national best practices to expand EV equipment installation; second, it recognizes and celebrates these communities with Charging Smart designations of Gold, Silver, and Bronze. 

To receive more information about the Charging Smart program, visit this sign-up page. For additional information, contact Kelsea Dombrovski at 

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!