If we have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it was that our mental health simply wasn’t prepared for it. Your top priority has been to act as a guiding force for your residents, many of whom were experiencing job insecurity, anxiety about the pandemic and the economy, or the loss of loved ones. You have fought for greater support and resources for your community’s most vulnerable groups, including those with preexisting mental health issues.

The list can go on about the various scenarios we have faced, but one theme was clear: supervisors and employees quickly became overwhelmed, exhausted, buried, stressed—and it inevitably took a toll on our mental health. Many people, from your staff to your residents, struggle with anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts, but few learn how to fight back. A new ICMA product offering and partnership with Cope Notes, is the best first step toward a healthier brain.

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Explore how Cope Notes can help you create affordable and convenient mental health support for your community:

What is Cope Notes?

Cope Notes is an SMS service that delivers unique, handcrafted messages from mental health professionals that are proven to support, emphasize, and encourage recipients. 

The software connects individuals with anonymous, easy-to-use support on a daily basis, prioritizing prevention by investing in resilience and positive health outcomes to curb crises before they arise.

Cope Notes combines the highly impactful and proven sciences of ecological momentary interventions (EMIs) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to provide preventative mental health support and education to countless members of your community. 

A Solution for Proactive Mental Healthcare

  • Qualifies for CARES Act funding.
  • Proven to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and more.
  • Fulfills the growing demand for virtual mental health support.
  • Accessible to historically under-served populations without smartphone or internet access, such as seniors, veterans, foster families, low-income households, and the homeless community.
  • Dramatically more affordable than traditional mental health services.
  • A turnkey solution that takes almost no time or effort for the government to execute.

Who Would Benefit from Cope Notes?

Local government employees, at-risk populations, under-served populations, and residents at large. 

Cope Notes is designed to serve and improve any user’s mental health needs, regardless of a diagnosis. Even those in good mental health can benefit from Cope Notes. Cope Notes emphasizes preventative treatment strategies that seek to instill users with the skills, tools, and knowledge to manage their mental health and prevent potential crises.

How Cope Notes Works

  1. Subscribers sign up to receive daily text messages from Cope Notes.

  2. Cope Notes interrupts negative thought patterns by injecting positivity at random points throughout the day.

  3. Subscribers are encouraged to read, internalize, and interpret these messages based on their current feelings and situation in life.

  4. They are also encouraged to interact with the messages by writing back their feelings and thoughts - allowing them to speak freely without judgment.

Related Content

Quantitative Research

A research summary that shows Cope Notes is successfully decreasing depression, anxiety, and stress within 30 days

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Community Case Study

How Pasco County, Florida, used Cope Notes to impact the mental and emotional health of their community.

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