Before making a commitment to a new professional opportunity, a member has the responsibility to thoroughly evaluate the position, organization, and community to determine whether it will be a good fit both personally and professionally.
Keeping your word is an essential part of demonstrating integrity, as outlined in Tenet 3, so members who accept an appointment to a position should report for that position. This does not preclude the possibility of a member considering multiple offers or seeking several positions at the same time, but once a bona fide offer of a position has been accepted, a member is expected to honor that commitment. ICMA considers oral acceptance of an employment offer binding unless the employer makes fundamental changes in terms of employment.
Members have been sanctioned for the following unethical conduct in the recruitment process:
- After successfully negotiating with the local government and giving a verbal acceptance of their offer, a member continued to interview for other positions.
- A member signed an offer letter from a local government then withdrew it to take a preferred position in another organization.
- After discussing and agreeing to the terms of compensation, a member verbally accepted an offer, then withdrew from the position after the organization announced that he would be the new manager.
- After a member negotiated and signed an employment agreement and the new community publicly announced the hire, the member decided to remain in his current position instead.
Applicable Tenet and Guideline:
Tenet 3. Demonstrate by word and action the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all public, professional, and personal relationships in order that the member may merit the trust and respect of the elected and appointed officials, employees, and the public.
Guideline on Appointment Commitment. Members who accept an appointment to a position should report to that position. This does not preclude the possibility of a member considering several offers or seeking several positions at the same time. However, once a member has accepted a formal offer of employment, that commitment is considered binding unless the employer makes fundamental changes in the negotiated terms of employment.