Our Mission

We spotlight the critical journey towards inclusivity in local government management, celebrating pioneers from under-represented groups who have shaped our communities.

The Journey

Early 20th Century

City manager profession emerges, reflecting societal inequalities

Gradual Transformation

Pioneering individuals from under-represented groups enter the field


Progress made, but diversity remains a challenge in city and county management

Our Initiative

We document and honor trailblazing city and county managers from under-represented groups by:

Preserving their stories through interviews

Conducting archival research

Creating multimedia presentations

Our goal: Inspire future generations of diverse leaders and foster a more inclusive democracy.

Featured Project

African American City and County Managers

In partnership with the National Forum of Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), we're showcasing the first generation of African American city and county managers through:

  1. Historical Research and Asset Digitization
  2. Interviews and Video Recordings
  3. Contextual Asset Collection
  4. Production of Digital and Video Histories

Learn more about this project and how you can help»

How You Can Help

Support our mission to:

Raise awareness of under-represented groups' contributions

Build thriving, inclusive communities

Inspire new generations to join local government management

We're seeking partners for financial and in-kind assistance to advance this crucial initiative.

Donate Now

Contact Us

For more information, please contact:
Tad McGalliard
ICMA Managing Director, Research, Development & Technical Assistance
Email: tmcgalliard@icma.org
Phone: 443-223-7851