Event Info

A stable and positive relationship between a local government manager and their council is crucial to the success of any city, town, county, or village. The use of good data, both qualitative and quantitative, in order to inform your decision-making process can assist in ensuring your council is satisfied, your residents are equally represented, and resources are prioritized and used in a well-thought-out manner.
Join ICMA, Zencity, and local government leaders from the Midwest for a virtual roundtable discussion. We invite you to learn from others and share your experiences, successes, and challenges in getting your council on board with strategic decisions.
Key takeaways
- If you want to know that you’re doing your job right, your residents are your best sensors.
- Good data can help you inform your council with what they need to hear, not only what they want to hear.
- Council members can use data to explain to their constituents why certain decisions were made, making data a powerful enabler.
- Ensuring your council isn’t only hearing from an engaged and vocal minority of residents is crucial.
- Data and AI have the power to create better representation, enabling local government leaders to hear the voices of their entire community, even those who don’t engage directly.
- Combining organic and ongoing feedback with direct and anecdotal feedback provides a more wholesome understanding of your residents’ needs and concerns.
Learning objectives
- What data tools are available to improve the relationship between council and managers.
- How data can be useful for making decisions that serve the broader needs of the community.
- Ways you can still hear from residents who aren’t emailing and calling their council members regularly.
- Overcoming challenges with analyzing and understanding "big data."
- Decker P Ploehn, City Administrator, Bettendorf, IA
- Eyal Feder-Levy, CEO and Co-Founder, Zencity
- Jon D Kindseth, Assistant City Manager, Decatur, IL