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Managing Public Relations with Your Elected Officials. Barkha Mishra, Pixabay
Image by Barkha Mishra, Pixabay
Join council-manager relations expert Mike Conduff for a webinar on how to navigate the challenges of public relations with your elected officials.

Mastering the art of public relations – especially media relations – is difficult for many in local government leadership. For elected officials, the challenge is often compounded because they might be new to local government and lack the skills needed for building and maintaining positive public relations. Providing guidance in this arena is a great way for a manager to foster trust with their elected body while ensuring their messaging is aligned with that of their local government.


In this webinar, you'll join Mike Conduff, council-manager relations expert and author of Making It Work: The Essentials of Council-Manager Relations, as he discusses strategies for managing public relations with a panel of fellow managers.


They will discuss:

  • How to coordinate messaging between elected officials and communications staff
  • The do's and don'ts for interacting with members of the press
  • Best practices for your elected officials' social media activities
  • The delineation of messaging roles between the CAO and council


 Michael (Mike) A. Conduff, ICMA-CM President & CEO The Elim Group


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