Event Info


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engagement and productivity
Learn a leadership operating system guaranteed to help you focus on the most important things and ensure you build a high-performing and engaged team culture.

How’s the whirlwind been treating you? You know, all the urgent things that have to get done every day, but always seems to interfere with your team’s engagement and productivity?

Leading a Culture of Engagement and Productivity is designed to give you a leadership operating system guaranteed to defeat the whirlwind. You’ll learn how to focus on the most important things and ensure you build a high-performing and engaged team culture. Participants will

  • Identify actions that intentionally create an engaged and high-performing team culture.
  • Reflect on the cost and benefit of leadership choices and behaviors.
  • Set up a Q2 leadership operating system.


Photo of Brian Bullock the Managing Director of Worldwide Learning and Professional Development


Brian Bullock, Director for Worldwide Learning and Professional Development, ICMA

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!