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a budgeting guide webinar series brand image magnifying glass laying over dollar sign
Learn the fundamentals of budgeting and strategic planning that every local government manager should know.

Back by popular demand, this three-part webinar series takes a forward-looking, strategic approach to budgeting while showing you how to improve the process and promote economic vitality in your community.

Based on the fourth edition of ICMA’s A Budgeting Guide for Local Government, this series is hosted by coauthor Dr. Michael Overton, associate professor at the University of Idaho, and Scott Huizenga, Assistant City Manager of Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas.

Learning Objectives:

  • Lessons for budgeting and the budgeting cycle
  • Budget preparation and legislative approval
  • Executive implementation
  • Financial controls, communication, and compliance
  • Accounting and auditing
  • Understanding the overall financial picture
  • Projections and forecasting
  • Capital budgeting
  • Performance measurement
  • Long-term planning

Who Should Attend:

Like the book, this program is designed for local government managers, assistant managers, and department heads who would like to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of the budgeting process.

About the Instructors

Michael Overton - Headshot

Michael Overton, Ph.D., co-author of the fourth edition of ICMA’s A Budgeting Guide for Local Government, is an associate professor of public administration at the University of Idaho, where he uses his public sector experience to identify research topics that matter to government entities. His research focuses on the intersection of local government management and fiscal policy, and his work has been published in prominent public administration journals including The Review of Regional Studies, The American Review of Public Administration, and Public Money and Management.



Huizenga headshot


Scott Huizenga is the assistant city manager of Fair Oaks Ranch, TX, where he brings nearly 20 years of public sector experience to the role. He has previously served as budget director for both San Antonio, TX as well as Kansas City, MO, and is a recognized leader in several fields including resident engagement, budget and policy formation, strategic and financial planning, and financial policy development.




PROGRAM DETAILS (Full Schedule and Details)


Session One – 10/31/2023: Budget Basics: the budget, the budgeting cycle, and the evolution of budgeting
Session Two – 11/07/2022: Understanding Financial Management: the financial picture, projecting the future, policies and rules
Session Three – 11/14/2023: Long-term Budgeting and Planning: capital budgeting, performance measurement, long-term planning


A Budgeting Guide for Local Government, 4th ed., is required reading. The book can be purchased via ICMA's online bookstore


$395 (member; this is a group rate for all staff)

$695 (nonmember; this is a group rate for all staff)

This purchase is for a single log-in. There is no limit to the number of staff from your office participating in this webinar from an auditorium or conference room. In the room where staff will participate, you'll need a phone and a computer to view the Web component.

Addresses ICMA Practices for Effective Local Government Management and Leadership: [6] Strategic Leadership; [7] Strategic Planning; [8] Policy Facilitation and Implementation; [12] Financial Management and Budgeting

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!