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budgeting web
Learn about taking big swings in the pursuit of a better future.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) will infuse more than $130 billion of direct, flexible funding into local governments, easing the immediate financial trauma facing almost every community across the country and providing options to overcome shortfalls and simultaneously rebuild for a stronger, more sustainable future. While the funding is undoubtedly a blessing to communities in crisis, there also comes with it a predicament: how best to invest? While short-term strategies will address the undeniable and urgent needs in communities, a long-term strategy should focus on creating long-term sustainability and resiliency, leveraging the power of unprecedented resources to commit to your most challenging goals. 

Chris Fabian, Co-Founder and CEO of ResourceX and creator of the Priority Based Budgeting (PBB) methodology, will talk about taking big swings in the pursuit of a better future. Governments are constantly juggling multiple issues of immediate importance. Resource scarcity and organizational constraints make it challenging to address "new" issues. Establishing a Big Swing goal for your organization and prioritizing resource allocation based on that vision can minimize investment in areas that aren't contributing highly and realign those resources to programs making a more substantial impact. 

The foundational unit of PBB, the Program, provides the vehicle for fueling resources towards tackling wicked problems and making bold investments backed by data. Local governments must recognize that investment in the future includes big swings addressing equity, sustainability, climate, homelessness and other societal challenges. The carryover effect of this investment contributes to all other outcomes vital to their communities, such as safety, economic growth, infrastructure stability and community well-being.


  • Chris Fabian, Co-Founder and CEO, ResourceX

This webinar is complimentary for ICMA members thanks to the sponsorship of an ICMA Affiliate, ResourceX, who will have access to registration information.

ICMA Practice Areas: [7] Strategic Planning; [12] Financial Management and Budgeting

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