Employed since 2008 as Deputy City Manager of the City of Casa Grande, Arizona, Larry Rains has an extensive background in money management, gleaned through years of public service as finance director not only for the Casa Grande but also in three other cities. Larry has likewise gained considerable experience through his service as City Manager of Willcox, Arizona. These skills and an “infectious” style of leadership have allowed him to maintain positive morale even in the face of the economic recession and, because of his diligent efforts, Casa Grande has effectively surmounted the challenges posed by the financial crisis with upgrades in its bond ratings and increased monetary reserves. The city’s ability to maintain service levels to residents and business partners are largely attributable to Larry’s efforts to balance the annual budget, and the guidance he rendered in the design, development, and implementation of the Casa Grande Performance Institute (CGPI) project led to its rapid completion and is a testament to his diligence.

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A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!