Every year on the first Tuesday in August, the city of Olathe, Kansas (93,000), participates in National Night Out. The event is part of a nationwide effort to promote town watch by helping neighbors get to know each other through neighborhood block parties. In Olathe, the event is part of the city’s efforts to revitalize its neighborhood watch program and to promote police-community partnerships, neighborhood safety, and awareness of the importance of crime prevention programs. Members of the Olathe police department and fire department, as well as the Johnson County ambulance service, visit all of the block parties. McGruff the Crime Dog® also makes appearances to promote the city’s program for keeping children safe as they walk to and from school by having volunteers watch out for them. The national night out program is promoted through the local newspaper, the government cable channel, neighborhood watch groups, and a proclamation from the mayor with city council support. Officer Vickie Smith Community Outreach Unit Olathe Police Department 501 East Old 56 Highway Olathe, KS 66061 913/971-7500 Fax: 913/971-6927 E-mail: vsmith@olatheks.org Web site: www.olatheks.org/Residents/Police