As prefaced in its 2000 revision, this guide “is not a reference source to the literature on effective teaching. It is, rather, a place to start preparing to teach.” In continuance of this theme, this edition does not focus on the nuances of effective teaching either. However, it does provide a new compendium on educational resources and tools.
From its inception through the publication of the second edition in 2007, this guide is as relevant today as it was originally. With the exception of minor edits, the third edition consists primarily of additives to existing sections, some out-and-out new additions, and no major deletions. Using boxed sidebars, this edition incorporates expanded substantive information without disrupting the cadence of the narrative. With the addition of the appendices, the use of sidebars, and an updated format, this guide should serve as an easy-to-use ready reference for those practitioners interested in teaching.