Rancho Cordova’s goal to reinvigorate neighborhoods has been realized by a pragmatic approach to improving quality of life by acting as a facilitator, broker, catalyst, and educator, not as a direct service provider. By leveraging limited resources with the passion, energy, and dedication of all community stakeholders the City has been able to do more with limited resources. This approach has created a sustainable way to realize our full potential, and the effort is called Growing Strong Neighborhoods.
Growing Strong Neighborhoods, or GSN, is a citywide effort that started in 2006. The foundation for the effort was a Blight Busters program. This initial spark involved a collective group, from Code Enforcement, Building and Safety, Police, and Fire, who proactively went neighborhood by neighborhood advising and assisting residents to bring their homes, buildings, and residences up to newly established municipal code standards. The success of Blight Busters was built extensively on collaborative partnerships aimed at collective goals, generating a positive resident response. Then in 2010, GSN reinvigorated itself by expanding the Blight Busters success to become a strategic partnership effort, aimed at creating a new and necessary paradigm in interdepartmental and stakeholder cooperation.