You don't get to tomorrow if you can't get through today -- the mantra of most City/County Managers, leaving many of us stuck in firefighter mode. What if you could see over the horizon and correct your course as a manager or organization? Would that change your tomorrows? Come listen to Futurist Sheila Shockey and two City Managers talk about the future and the future of local government.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion we hope to shine a light on the "futures" that are coming to local government and how it will impact participants.
Upon completion participants will have a roadmap as to the trends emerging and the things that are changing in the local government world and beyond.
Upon completion we hope participants can take actions that prepare them for the future while still tending to the day-to-day needs of their communities.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!