This webinar will share the results of research conducted by UL to examine the fire service concerns of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the potential impact of firefighting operations. These concerns included firefighter vulnerability to electrical and casualty hazards when mitigating a fire involving PV systems.

The need for this project is significant due to the increasing use of PV systems, growing at a rate of 30% annually.  As a result of greater utilization, traditional firefighter tactics for suppression, ventilation and overhaul have been complicated, leaving firefighters vulnerable to potentially severe hazards.  Though the electrical and fire hazards associated with PV systems have been known for some time, a very limited body of knowledge and insufficient data exists to understand the risks to the extent that the fire service has been unable to develop safety solutions and respond in a safe manner.

During the webinar, presenter Bob Backstrom from UL’s Corporate Research Department and Dennis Grubb, Assistant Fire Marshal from the Orange County Fire Authority will share data and specific examples that will assist local governments and the fire service community to develop best practices to reduce firefighter death and injury.


Click below for the full webinar:


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