The City of Southlake is a municipal government that strives to provide residents and businesses exceptional municipal services and a high quality of life through a progressive, efficient, responsive, and community-focused organization. The corporate values of the City of Southlake are innovation, integrity, accountability, commitment to excellence, and teamwork. Within the City of Southlake, the Southlake Library Services Division of the Community Services Department has implemented several value-based service delivery projects that seek to not only meet broad organizational goals but more specific departmental objectives. The Southl ake Public Library has five primary objectives: 1. Satisfying user demand; 2. Providing first class customer service; 3. Implementing internal control processes that are focused on providing a friendly and hassle free experience for customers; 4. Utilizing volunteers; 5. Developing strong relationships with City staff, community organizations, and the business community. The Library’s pursuit of achieving those goals has led to projects and service delivery innovations that have improved operations.
This case study was submitted to the Alliance for Innovation in consideration for the 2010 Transforming Locla Government conference.