by Niles Anderegg, research and content development associate, ICMA
Issues related to water and water management are important for local governments that manage their own water supply. In some communities, the main water challenges can range from making sure all residents have access to clean water to dealing with the effects of drought on local water supplies. Many communities are tackling these issues using smart technology and innovative solutions. Here are some of ICMA's best resources dealing with water issues:
Does Your Local Government Need to Start Thinking About Smart Energy and Water Technologies? Water resources have in recent years been tied with smart technologies, as communities look to cut costs and increase efficiency. This blog post looks at what organization should consider when applying smart technology to the energy and water sectors.
Innovations in Water Management. This blog looks at two cities—Philadelphia and Santa Fe—and contrasts their water management issues as well as the innovative solutions that the cities are using to deal with their water challenges.
4 Resources for Managing Your Community’s Water Supply. In the wake of the Flint water crisis, ICMA compiled resources from places like the American Public Works Association and the American Water Works Association that help with managing a community's water supply.
Water, Waste, Preservation, and Food: Sharing Approaches. Water management is an important issue both in the United States and internationally. This article from 2016 looks at how Fort Lauderdale and Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, shared approaches to water management challenges that they had in common with a delegation from three Hatiain municipalities.
5 TED Talks Addressing Water and Sanitation. This blog post looks at some ideas both on how to address current water issues and future concerns though 5 ted talks on water and sanitation issues.
For more content like this, check out the water and wastewater topic page.
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