I think it’s safe to say that we are all feeling the squeeze of the seemingly constant pressure of fiscal constraints. If you’re like me, a recent college graduate who moved a thousand miles from home on the hopes of landing a good job (thanks ICMA!), or if you’re a local government professional who is having to operate under strict budgets, the restrictions make life tough. The good news is that ICMA has resources that may provide new perspectives on tackling what can be a draining challenge.
ICMA is here to help:
- This article from ICMA’s PM Magazine discusses how many local governments have begun to focus on the big picture instead of focusing too much on the small things. Read more here.
- I came across an article that highlighted six simple factors to consider for successful economic development. Remembering these things could mean huge success for your community. Check out the details here.
- This article describes in detail how cluster-based economic development strategies can be an extremely valuable tool for development.
- You can also find many more resources in the Economic Development and Economic Development Plans topic sections of the Knowledge Network.
What is your local government doing to facilitate economic development during hard times? Share your strategies with the Knowledge Network!
Ask your questions here, answer questions here, and email me your funny stories.
Jesse Himes
Knowledge Network Intern
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!