Prescription medications are extremely important in maintaining your employees' good health but not all individuals take them properly – and that directly affects their health and your overall costs. In fact, 50% of people on multiple drugs are non-adherent, accounting for $100 billion in avoidable hospitalizations and $50 billion in lost productivity.1

We know medical and drug benefits are directly connected and when monitored and managed together, the result is lower costs and better health – as detailed in our Medication Adherence Whitepaper. In fact, our combined plans have shown:

  • 64% of non-adherent customers achieved optimal adherence with our CoachRx service. Improving adherence to 'clinically optimal' levels delivers $1,100 per person annual health care cost savings and any improvement delivers $500 per person.2
  • 6% closure of evidence-based gaps in care. Gaps in care savings of $2.93 per employee per month medical cost savings achieved through closure of dangerous clinical and pharmacy gaps in care.3

Employees view their medical and drug benefit as one and so do we. To learn more about the importance of medication adherence, contact us.


1 April 7, 2012,, Source: Harvard University and New England Healthcare Institute, Productivity stat from Compliance/Adherence report, CDMI 2012
2 'Clinically optimal' is defined as achieving a medication possession ratio (MPR) of at least 70%. Demonstrated in a study of individuals who had depression, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and/or hypertension.
3 Of these savings, 25 % is directly attributable to Cigna Pharmacy Management involvement. Study compared combined (medical and pharmacy) versus pharmacy benefit carve out (medical only).



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