Our friends at NCDD--the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation--will be hosting one of their free Tech Tuesday discussions on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 from 1-2 p.m., entitled, "Local Governments Adopting Online Engagement: An NCDD Tech Tuesday Discussion" on the state of the field.     The session is free and open to anyone, not just NCDD members, and represents an excellent opportunity for local government managers to hear from public participation professionals on the important topic of online engagement opportunities.  Below is information on the program:


 Local Governments Adopting Online Engagement: An NCDD Tech Tuesday discussion         on the state of the field


Join us for our next NCDD Tech Tuesday, on August 26th from 1-2pm Eastern / 10-11am Pacific, with:

  • Della Rucker, Managing Editor of EngagingCities (focusing on the intersection between internet technologies and community engagement), and Chief Instigator at Wise Economy
  • Susan Stuart Clark, Director, Common Knowledge, NCDD board member and consultant to local governments

An increasing number of local governments are adding different forms of online engagement to their public participation activities. There is a proliferation of tools being offered by different vendors, each trying to establish a unique positioning. Join Della Rucker and Susan Stuart Clark as they review examples of how local governments are using online engagement, the state of the industry, key factors to consider in planning and implementing online engagement – and how online engagement can be used to complement and enhance in-person dialogue.

The session has been designed to allow for plenty of time for Q&A and group discussion. We are especially interested in NCDD member experiences with online engagement and local government.  Click here to register.

Want to do some reading ahead of time?

By the way, you do not have to be a dues-paying member of NCDD to participate in the  FREE Tech Tuesday learning events!  For more information on NCDD, visit http://ncdd.org/


ICMA's Center for Management Strategies brings research, education, and technical assistance to local governments in such leading practice topics as citizen engagement and public participation.  For more information on the Center or its many leading practice program areas including collaborative service delivery, process improvement, surveying to create data-driven decisions, high performance organization strategies and priority based budgeting, visit our website or email us at managementstrategies@icma.org

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!