Here are several articles on leadership topics pulled from various resources to start off your work week. This post will point you to articles on leadership, management, career stage advice, and more.

the power of personal analytics

From leadership {RE}Imagined, written by david limardi

"I believe that effective leaders perform two basic yet complex tasks, managing challenging work and leading people. The most successful executives, coaches and political leaders use a growth mindset and a relentless desire to learn about themselves and others to perform these two basic but complex tasks..."

5 ways to get millennials to choose government

From governing, written by philip joyce

"Government workers, like the rest of us, are getting older. Now that the Great Recession is behind us, the long-predicted "brain drain" of Baby Boomers retiring from the public workforce may finally be upon us. Governments will need a strategy for replacing these workers. That strategy -- for budgetary reasons if nothing else -- must involve appealing to the millennial generation, and particularly those currently in college and graduate school."

seven steps to becoming a cx leader in government

from government executive, written by martha dorris

"For years, the private sector has known that superior customer experience is what differentiates successful companies from the competition. Customer experience is a relatively new discipline in the government though, with room for many leaders to drive the transformation of citizen services across the government.

There are seven steps you can take to become a CX leader in government..."

ask yourself.... "what do people need?"

from smartblog on leadership, written by daniel doucette

"We’re living in a time of competing philosophies regarding how organizations function. It’s a quiet clash happening gradually but steadily beneath the surface. It’s a tectonic shift in how we identify with work and relate to the workplace. It’s a tension between achievement and purpose, between competencies and calling, between the systems we create and the humanity we embody. It’s a shift from a 20th-century industrial paradigm to a 21st- century network paradigm, enabled by technology and accelerated by the outlook of new generations rising into the workforce."

crucibles of leadership

from harvard business review, written by warren bennis and robert j. thomas

"Leadership crucibles can take many forms. Some are violent, life-threatening events. Others are more prosaic episodes of self-doubt. But whatever the crucible’s nature, the people we spoke with were able, like Harman, to create a narrative around it, a story of how they were challenged, met the challenge, and became better leaders. As we studied these stories, we found that they not only told us how individual leaders are shaped but also pointed to some characteristics that seem common to all leaders—characteristics that were formed, or at least exposed, in the crucible."


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