"Leadership Reading to Start Your Week" will point you to articles on leadership, management, women in local government, career stage advice, and more.


Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther king, jr.

From Harvard Business School, written by professor Bill George

"The most important lesson that all leaders can draw from Dr. King is to recognize how you can make a difference in the world through your leadership, and then step up to the challenge when opportunities present themselves."

Why Followership is Now More Important than Leadership

From Forbes, written by Rob Asghar

"Good, skilled followers are able to nurture good leadership, by invisibly helping keep a novice leader upright and on track. It’s a lost art in our narcissistic times."


The Silver Tsunami is Coming

From govloop, written by Mariah Bastin

"We’ve all heard about the aging workforce. The state of Pennsylvania is no exception to the statistics that tell us that well over a third of their workforce will be eligible to retire over the next five years. James Honchar, Pennsylvania’s Deputy Secretary for Human Resources and Management for the Office of Administration, warns of the incoming “silver tsunami” and the difficulties that come with it. However, he also brings messages of hope to the mix. "

How to Get Clarity, Accountability, and Results in 5 minutes

from Governing, written by David M. Dye

"You have answered the “why,” as in: “Why do we want to do this?” The answers to the next three questions take a decision from being a nice idea and turning it into reality – something that gets done. The good news is that for most decisions, it only takes five minutes to answer them..."


Dr. Frank Benest on Leading and Letting Go

From League of Women in Government, written by Dr. Frank Benest

"As I matured as a leader, I learned that I had to “lead by letting go.” Letting go is not losing control or giving up. Letting go is about engaging people and creating shared intentions, goals, and leadership. As a former chief executive and now as a consultant, I have learned a lot over my years of practice, yet still struggle with this issue. Here is my advice. (By the way, we teach best what we most need to learn.)"



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