The field of local government management has entered a new era.  Social media makes communication with citizens almost instantaneous, and the amount of data local governments have access to and have a role in maintaining has grown exponentially in the last decade. Opening up data to the public enhances governments’ ability to deliver services, operate transparently, and make informed community decisions.  Engaging community groups and nonprofits in data analytics can stimulate additional benefits for citizens.


This summer, ICMA has focused considerable attention on the data revolution looking at technology, data, mobile apps, and what questions local government managers need to be asking.  The purpose of this campaign is to educate and assist local government managers on how to increase efficiency and improve local government performance by opening up agency data libraries to foster greater transparency and accountability with local citizens and businesses. 


Now we’re inviting computer hackers – software developers and computer programmers – to join us in Boston next month to compete in Hackstock for #LocalGov.  Co-sponsored by Esri, ICMA, and MindMixer, Hackstock for #LocalGov is a computer hackathon that will tap into creative and innovative energy of registered computer programmers to help design new solutions to respond to the needs of local governments and their citizens.  Interested hackers will assemble at the Hynes Convention Center on Sunday, September 22 to devote a day to collaborating intensively on the creation of new technology applications for local governments and their citizens using data provided by local government managers.


Please let your IT department know about Hackstock for #LocalGov and encourage them to spread the word about the hackathon. The more talent we have at the hackathon, the more solutions can be designed for the challenges of local government!


The #LocalGov Technology Alliance is an Esri-ICMA initiative to explore the world of big data, open data, apps and dashboards, and what it all means for local governments. Subscribe to the #LocalGov Technology Alliance Blog today!

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!