The period of 1965 to 1975 has been labeled the “bike boom” because bicycles had the biggest increase in popularity in their 154-year history in the United States. Residents in cities across the U.S. took advantage of this healthy and practical form of transportation. Four decades later there seems to be a resurgence in the popularity of bikes as local governments discover how bicycling can be advantageous for the community. Check out these resources on how to use biking to help address sustainability and infrastructure issues.
- In this document, read how to design alternate transit routes, like bike paths, to connect your citizens to your downtown district.
- Read how such strategies as adding or increasing bike lanes can provide a “co-benefit” for your community.
- This document outlines the multiple benefits from promoting biking in your community. It also provides multiple resources on healthy and clean air.
- If the weather is nasty or you are too busy to get out, you can install a bike desk in your office. Sounds strange but might be the new norm!
- Bikeshares offer communities an innovative tool to overcome some of the toughest transit challenges. This article from the American Public Works Association’s July 2015 edition of the APWA Reporter outlines all you need to know about bikeshares. The Capital Bikeshare in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area is an example of a robust bikeshare program.
- From Govloop you can read about a blogger’s bikeshare experience in Chicago and Denver.
- In 2011 Durham, North Carolina, was recognized for its alternative transportation options, like the addition of multiple bike racks around the city.
- Read how the bicycling community in the City of Allan, Texas, got new bike routes and shared lane marking added to the area.
- If you are out biking, check out these safe bicycling resources from the National Safety Council.
- Premium (for ICMA and/or Alliance for Innovation members only) Content:
- Read how the city of Richmond, Virginia, is building futures by building bike racks in the community.
- The county of Mayo, Ireland, is inspiring healthy living by adding a more comprehensive bicycling infrastructure.
- The township of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, for the past 17 years has strived to create safe bike paths to connect the people to hot spots in the community.
Does your community have innovative ways to use bicycling to address lifestyle, sustainability, and infrastructure challenges? Please post your stories below.
Douglas Shontz
Knowledge Network Intern
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