Washington, DC - ICMA and the International Network of Asian Public Administrators (I-NAPA) have formally joined forces to create a new strategic affiliation. Through this partnership, the two organizations will combine their efforts to drive the participation and advancement of members of Asian heritage in local government leadership roles.
I-NAPA is an organization encouraging excellence among public administrators of Asian heritage by developing leadership of emerging leaders of Asian heritage; supporting public administrators of Asian heritage as leaders; providing networking opportunities; and providing unique resources to Asian public administrators. I-NAPA seeks to develop and support excellent Asian public leaders because they believe diversity among public leaders, inclusive of those of Asian heritage, can play an important role in cultivating a better future for all.
“During the ICMA conference in Seattle, keynote speaker Vernā Myers asked those of us in the room representing certain communities to stand. When she asked about Asian Americans, so very few of us were standing. That was the seed that really started us on this journey. As part of this process, we have become an important part of ICMA’s initiatives around diversity, equity, and inclusion,” said Rey Arellano, president, I-NAPA.
“I know it’s been a long journey, but certainly a worthy journey, and especially now. We are in the midst of very important work and conversations involving diversity, equity, and inclusion. Given the start of this affiliate relationship today, we solidify I-NAPA’s importance and engagement in the conversation, informing people about the significance of those issues for all people,” said Marc Ott, CEO/executive director, ICMA.
This partnership supports ICMA’s strategic plan, ensuring that local governments are inclusive and mirror the diversity in communities. I-NAPA will be a key partner in advancing inclusive local government by empowering leadership among persons of Asian heritage.
About I-NAPA
I-NAPA, the International Network of Asian Public Administrators, became a reality as the direct result of ICMA’s efforts to support diversity and inclusiveness, beginning with an “aha” moment. At ICMA’s 2015 annual conference in Seattle, keynote speaker Vernā Myers asked attendees to self-identify by various groups. When she called out “Asian,” only a handful of people stood among a crowd of a thousand. Through conversations that followed, I-NAPA's mission became clear—that imbalance needed to be changed. At the 2016 annual conference in Kansas City, an “ICMA Asian Pacific American Affinity Group” and LinkedIn presence were established that grew to 150 members within a few months. I-NAPA currently has around 300 members.
Learn more about I-NAPA at i-napa.org.
About ICMA
ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, advances professional local government management worldwide through leadership, management, innovation, and ethics. ICMA provides member support; publications; data and information; peer and results-oriented assistance; and training and professional development to more than 12,000 city, town, and county experts and other individuals and organizations throughout the world. The management decisions made by ICMA's members affect millions of individuals living in thousands of communities, from small villages and towns to large metropolitan areas. ICMA gathers more data on local government than any organization except the federal government, spanning a broad spectrum from economic development to local government innovation.
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