Carol Jacobs
City Manager
Eastvale, California
I don’t have a specific personal bucket list, because I like to try new things as they come up. I have been fortunate to have traveled to Europe (England, Austria, Scotland, and Germany); run two half marathons; jumped out of a perfectly good airplane (twice); and gone white water rafting on the Rogue River in Oregon.
I have ridden in a helicopter and been chased by a K-9 dog. (He caught me by the way.)
My professional bucket list took somewhat longer to achieve; that is, becoming a city manager. It took 19 years and an extremely long and winding road to get there. That accomplishment has been the most satisfying.
Next up is hiking some 30 miles of the Appalachian Trail.

Anne Klepfer, ICMA-CM
Borough Manager
Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
There are many accomplishments that I have a check mark next to: college, graduate school, first municipal position, first managerial position, second managerial position, marriage to a loving husband, mother to two wonderful children, a beautiful home—just to name a few.
To me, being successful is about working and living in an environment that you enjoy, with people you enjoy, and working together to accomplish shared goals. It’s about finding that position that satisfies you professionally and gives you the flexibility and balance needed to keep all of your personal “balls in the air.”
Schwenksville Borough gave me the opportunity to cross “work for a close-to-home, family-friendly, and stable community” off my bucket list.

James Lenner
Village Manager
Johnstown, Ohio
jlenner@villageofjohns town.org
My professional bucket list continues to grow, but I was able to cross off speaking in front of a large group (100 people or more) in 2013 when I was selected to speak at the ICMA annual conference. I have always admired people who choose to speak on various topics at the conferences I attend.
I was pleased to speak to more than 100 people, and it felt wonderful.
I was able to share my experience and guidance as a husband and father with two children under three years and discuss how to balance professional and personal stresses as a city manager.

Sereniah Breland
City Manager
Guthrie, Oklahoma
“What would you do if you had no fear?” a friend asked. I answered without hesitation: “I’d become a professional sports team mascot.” So after mastering a back flip on the kid’s trampoline next door, I signed up for trapeze lessons.
I was the first in the class to volunteer to climb the ladder, but part way to the top, I began to tremble. Despite knees shaking, sweat dripping, and confidence destroyed, I jumped.
The trapeze operators lowered me to the net after I refused to let go, and I faced my irrational fears while trying not to make eye contact with other participants. Determination forced me to climb that ladder twice more, knowing that only I had created my fears.
I think I’ll cross professional mascot off my list and stick to professional management.
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