J. Michael Joyal, Jr.,City Manager
Dover, New Hampshire
A moment like this occurred when our city council was voting to allow the relocation of a successful, nonprofit children’s museum to our downtown. This move would enhance the vibrancy and economic growth of the area.
The museum was searching for expanded space. Recognizing a mutual benefit, we offered a downtown and soon-to-be vacated, city-owned building. This building needed structural repairs but was ideal for museum operations.
If approved, the community would complete needed repairs, and the museum would be responsible for any additional renovations. If not for the local “Citizens Against Virtually Everything” group, the council’s decision would not have become a nail-biter. This group was critical of the museum’s move. The move was recommended by our staff and others given the immediate payback and long-term benefits expected for the community.
Ultimately, councilors did support it. Today, it is a thriving educational and cultural attraction in our downtown.

Kathy Hodgson, City Manager
Lakewood, Colorado
My goose-bumps moment is also the saddest moment of my career. Having worked for Lakewood (population 143,000) since 1980, and proud of the high-performing police department of more than 400 employees, a horrific event I experienced in the early morning hours of November 9, 2012, when a police officer was mistakenly shot and killed by another police officer in the line of duty.
It was my job to address members of the police department in an all-employee meeting that morning. The room was packed, with uniformed officers filling every seat and in the aisles and corners. The atmosphere was heavy, dark, and silent.
At the time, my only ambition was to provide support and comfort. While recognizing the treacherous days and months ahead, I urged each person to be kind to themselves, to one another, and to residents.
One year later, we dedicated a memorial to the fallen officer. The experience will never be forgotten.

Monika Weierbach, Town Administrator
Mt. Airy, Maryland
mweierbach@mountairy md.org
My not-good moment happened on Labor Day 2007, when our town experienced a devastating fire in its downtown area that destroyed an entire block of newly renovated businesses. When, as manager, you experience this type of destruction in a downtown just starting to revive and rehabilitate, it is heart wrenching.
After the fire, I realized the strength of the commitment from the mayor, the councilmembers, and the community to rebuild. Property owners who were affected were extremely determined to rebuild and to build back quickly.
Phenomenal support came to the town from county and state leaders, allowing the town to use state-funding programs to help businesses get back on their feet again. Full coordination of town, county, and state officials allowed the rebuilding to happen rapidly, and the downtown is more dynamic than ever.
Amazing things are possible when your community comes together in such a committed way.

Kenny Smith, City Manager
Griffin, Georgia
I’ve had goose-bumps moments when I received a handwritten note from a resident, employee, or past employee whose life I had the opportunity to impact.
Shortly after becoming manager 10 years ago, I got a handwritten letter from a previous employee who made sure I realized the impact our working relationship had on his career. He carefully explained how, even though he did not fully understand all my decisions at the time, now that he had become a manager he had a much better understanding of why I did what I did, and made the decisions I made.
In our roles as public servants and organizational leaders, we sometimes don’t realize the impact we can have on others’ lives—positive and negative. When someone takes time to mail a handwritten note in today’s fast-paced, social mediatized world we live in, it shows they really care.
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