The ICMA Executive Board met September 21-22, 2018, in Baltimore, Maryland, and took the following actions:
- Conducted the performance review for ICMA Executive Director and 2017-18 ICMA Executive Board.
- Received a report on ICMA’s FY 2018 financial results.
ICMA’s FY2018 performance resulted in a net contribution of $1,134,082, or approximately $1.4 million higher than budgeted. This brings ICMA’s balance of net assets at the close of FY 2018, to approximately $10.7 million, or almost $3 million higher than the five-year net assets target set for FY 2018 of $7.75 million. Among those factors contributing to the higher than projected contribution to net assets:- ICMA’s membership revenue exceeded budget by approximately $175,000.
- The net results of ICMA’s 2017 Annual Conference in San Antonio were approximately $143,000 higher than budgeted.
- The net contribution from ICMA’s grants and contracts activities exceeded target due to the higher-than-budgeted rate of recovery of indirect costs and fees and lower-than-budgeted expenses related to business development, bids, and proposals.
- Royalties received from ICMA-RC were approximately $368,000 higher than budget, due to the renegotiation of the agreement between the two parties.
- ICMA’s REIT dividend from its ownership of the building at 777 North Capitol Street, as well as its interest income and net income from subleases, were all higher than budgeted.
- Overall, ICMA has made significant progress in increasing revenues from non-grants and contracts sources—an important step toward ICMA’s goal of achieving structural balance.
- Finally, certain one-time expenses anticipated in the FY 2018 budget were not incurred, which resulted in a higher-than-anticipated net contribution.
- Reappointed Shirley Hughes, city administrator of Liberty, South Carolina, to serve a third and final two-year term as ICMA’s representative to the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Committee.
- Approved the appointment of Brian Clarke, global head of IFM Global Relationship Group, to a four-year term as a private sector representative on the ICMA-RC Board of Directors.
- Approved granting Life Membership in ICMA to John Shirey.
- Approved eight recommendations for improvement to the Regional Nominations Process for implementation in 2018-19. The deadline for candidate submissions, endorsement letters, petitions, and letters of support is December 3, 2018.
- Approved revised criteria for eligibility and selection of ICMA’s Distinguished Service Award.
- Approved changes to the Rules of Procedure for Enforcement of ICMA’s Code of Ethics.
- Conducted a goal-setting session for the 2018-19 ICMA Executive Board.
- Dates and locations for the 2018-19 meetings of the ICMA Executive Board:
- November 29-December 2, 2018, in Detroit, Michigan.
February 7-10, 2019, in Long Beach, California.
June 6-9, 2019, in the Washington, DC area (exact location TBD).
October 18-19, 2019: Nashville, Tennessee (in conjunction with the ICMA Annual Conference).
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