The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Department has received the Communications Award from the Texas Recreation & Park Society (TRAPS) for their recent #GetMobbedwithWylieRecreation! Park and Recreation Month promotion. The award was presented to the City of Wylie during the TRAPS North Regional conference in Irving, Texas.
According to TRAPS, the Communications Award recognizes outstanding communication efforts of a park and recreation, or leisure agency, for the past year through the use of social media. Submissions are judged on originality, innovation, and the effectiveness of communication efforts to the target market through the use of Facebook, Twitter or other social media.
The #GetMobbedwithWylieRecreation! promotion was designed to take the recreation center to the park and introduce participants called mob players to Wylie’s more than 700 acres of parks, open space and activities. Rec Mob locations were posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter fifteen minutes before start time.
Families were exposed to recreation activities suitable for the park environment including camp-style family games, bowling, basketball, t-ball, and more. Participants also had the opportunity to ask questions about Wylie Parks and Recreation, meet the staff, and take home print material about facilities and activity registration opportunities. Following the activities, mob players were encouraged to tag any photos and videos from the events on preferred social media pages.
TRAPS is a non-profit 501(c)3 professional and educational organization founded 75 years ago. TRAPS is committed to advancing the field of parks, recreation and leisure services in Texas, while advocating for enhanced recreation opportunities and the increase of public green space for Texans. There are more than 2,000 professional and citizen-advocate members of the Texas Recreation and Park Society.
For more information, please contact Craig Kelly, Public Information Officer at 972.516.6016 or craig.kelly@wylietexas.gov.
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