OK, the question is why?  Why use technology to engage our citizens?  If it is for one-way communication, we suggest you ask yourself, “Is the time and effort you have to dedicate to it worth it…”  

So what do we mean by one-way communication… one-way communication is the typical outbound communication that government participates in such as newsletters, flyers, and presentations.  It is meant to inform with only short structured opportunities for feedback.  You might even consider the public meeting to be one-way since the dialogue is very formal, structured and frankly intimidating to the average citizen.

We are not suggesting that one-way communication isn’t a necessity.  This type of communication is a valuable tool to inform citizens about government activities.  What we are saying, is that social media as well as other technological tools such as etownhalls and the like, are not the right match to solely use as an outbound communication tool.

The expectations of today’s technologically savvy citizenry, is that if I am going to bother to be involved, than I want to be heard.  Just look at the Occupy Wallstreet movement.  

Through a viral movement of socially aware citizens, demonstrations are being conducted in practically every city in America and the world to express discontent with many of today’s economic challenges.  In this case, social media is a conduit to physical interaction.  

We contend that done right, technology is an enabler of community.  Flash mobs, dating sites, youtube videos, Facebook, even Xbox are providing platforms to take technology to the max in connecting people to one another.   But to use it to our advantage in local government we have to know why.  It is a pesky question but a question that we can’t avoid.

  • What are your community outreach goals?  
  • How are those tied to your strategic plan?  
  • Can technology enable these goals?  
  • Do you have the support of the elected body to engage citizens in this way?  
  • Do you have any digital natives (people comfortable with social media) on staff who can take your social media to the next level?  
  • Have you thought through the risk factors and the public information requirements?  

These are questions you need to ask yourself.  They are the why questions that will allow you to successfully use technology to step-up your interactions with your citizenry. Using technology and social media is not hard.  As a matter of fact as a one-way communication vehicle it is one of the simplest, easiest methods to reach people.  

But the fundamental question is, “Are you doing yourself and your citizens a disservice by opening up the channels of communication only not to listen to what they have to say?”  The rules for communicating here are different, it is outside the traditional boundaries of what government is used to.  Are you ready to listen as well as be heard?  Don’t do it if you are not.  You will create expectations you can not live up to…

And what can we do to personalize government?  Our claim is technology is first and foremost about people.  How can we better relate to one another?  Can we improve our language so that we demonstrate that as government employees we are also neighbors?  Frankly we are people too.  Can we write letters, tweets and emails like they come from real people?  It will give us a voice and personality and demonstrate that government is more than the rules and regulations people have to abide by.

It is time to take the gloves off.  Technology provides us the means to take government to the people.  It allows for us to be transparent and facilitate a conversation with our public. Technology can bring us closer to our citizens and provides an opportunity for a more reciprocal relationship.  In the end, we are not talking simply about technology - we are talking about a culture change within the organization - a change to revolves around the way we communicate with our varied audiences, the way we empower our workforce and the way we use the tools to further democratize our processes and decisions.  Facing future challenges will be less daunting when governments can work with their citizens rather than be perceived to be working against them.

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