Washington, DC—The policy discussion around marijuana legalization focuses primarily on legalization and medical marijuana initiatives at the state level, or oversight and enforcement priorities at the federal level. Local governments, however, have a critical and underappreciated role to play in implementing and responding to new laws governing marijuana dispensaries and personal usage.


On a press call on Tuesday, September 16, at 11:30 AM Eastern, a group of experts, including current city managers representing regions at the forefront of marijuana legalization efforts, will gather to share their perspectives on what legalization has meant for local governments and their local communities.


Tuesday’s press call participants will discuss a range of related topics, including: thoughts on how the introduction of a new legal industry has affected the local community and its revenue streams; zoning, permitting, and other regulatory issues; the interaction between local law enforcement and new marijuana laws; the new realities facing employers and human resource departments in the public sector workplace; and the challenges facing policymakers, including how a lack of sufficient banking services poses potential public safety concerns and regulatory challenges.


The call will be hosted by ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, in conjunction with the100th ICMA Annual Conference this week in Charlotte, North Carolina. Ron Carlee, city manager of Charlotte, will moderate the press call.


WHAT:      What Marijuana Legalization Means for Local Communities & Governments


Darin Atteberry, city manager, Fort Collins, Colorado

Jane Brautigam,city manager, Boulder, Colorado

Bill Kirchhoff, municipal advisor, Coronado, California

David Timmons, city manager, Port Townsend, Washington

Ron Carlee, city manager, Charlotte, North Carolina (moderator) 

WHEN:      Tuesday, September 16, at 11:30 AM Eastern

HOW:        Dial: 1-866-952-1908; Passcode: “ICMA”                                 

The speakers on Tuesday’s press call are just a few of the nearly 3,000 key decision makers and guests from local governments throughout the world gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 14-17, as part of the 100th Annual Conference of ICMA, the International City/County Management Association.


More details on the ICMA annual conference, including programmatic information, are available at: http://icma.org/en/icma/events/conference/welcome


  • For more information on the press call or the ICMA conference, please contact Michele Frisby at 301.646.1918 or mfrisby@icma.org.


About ICMA

ICMA, the International City/County Management Association, advances professional local government worldwide. Our mission is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional management to build livable communities that improve people’s lives. ICMA provides member support; publications; data and information; peer and results-oriented assistance; and training and professional development to nearly 9,000 city, town, and county experts and other individuals and organizations throughout the world. The management decisions made by ICMA's members affect millions of individuals living in thousands of communities, from small villages and towns to large metropolitan areas.


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