ICMA invited all members to share their feedback on potential revisions to the ICMA Code of Ethics as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion through a survey that opened in mid-July and closed on July 29. ICMA distributed the survey via email to more than 11,200 members who have a valid e-mail address on file and who have not elected to unsubscribe from membership communications.
Thank you to all members who took the time to share their perspectives on the proposed revisions to the Code. More than 2,100 members completed the survey resulting in a 22% response rate. Members submitted more than 2,400 written comments and offered constructive feedback via this survey.
Next Steps
The results from the survey will shape the next phases of the review effort. ICMA’s consultants on this project from the University of North Carolina School of Government are summarizing the survey responses and written comments and will present their preliminary analysis to the ICMA Executive Board in September 2022.
The board will review the recommendations and determine the next steps of this review effort, which will be communicated to the membership in late September. ICMA will continue to share project updates in Leadership Matters and on ICMA’s Code review project webpage.
Get in Touch
ICMA appreciates ongoing member feedback on the effort to review the Code. Members with questions or comments can contact Jessica Cowles, ethics advisor, at jcowles@icma.org or 202-962-3513; or Martha Perego, member services and ethics managing director, at mperego@icma.org or 202-962-3668.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!