Marc Landry has been the chief administrative officer of the town of Beaumont, Alberta, Canada, since January 2008 and has also been an ICMA member since 2008. Beaumont is located in the Edmonton Capital Region and is the seventh fastest-growing community in Canada. Previously, Landry was the CAO for the town of Bouctouche, New Brunswick, for over 5  years. When he started in Bouctouche, he was the youngest person to occupy a CAO position in Canada.

He has both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in business administration from the University of Moncton. He also holds an economic development certificate from the University of Waterloo and completed the ICMA Leadership Program as a member of the class of 2012.

Landry currently serves on the board of directors of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administration as the representative of Alberta and North West territories. This past year, he was also selected as one of the 230 Canadians to participate in the prestigious Governor General Canadian Leadership Conference.

He has done extensive international work, including providing assistance to communities in Louisiana following hurricanes Katrina and Rita; working with communities in South Africa, Mozambique, and Swaziland in collaboration with Rotary International; and is now working with the District of Kothom in Cambodia on capacity building under the Federation of Canadian Municipalities International. Working internationally has given him a unique perspective on the importance of strong partnerships.

According to Landry, ICMA is just the place to find partnerships. “ICMA has given me the opportunity to learn from the greatest city managers and administrators from across North America and internationally. These learning opportunities have positively contributed to my professional and personal growth. I look forward to continuing my ongoing involvement and active participation with ICMA.”

As the seventh fastest-growing community in Canada with the second highest per capita income in the province, Landry deals with several issues and opportunities related to the growth of his community. “Managing residents’ expectations relating to levels of service and diversifying our residential tax base are items that are highlighted in our strategic plan as key focus areas. Planning for the long term is critical when managing a community growing at this rate.”

Landry is a leader who operates with purpose and planning. One way that he has enhanced his leadership is by participating in the ICMA Leadership Program. “Participating in the ICMA Leadership Program made me realize the great potential of the new generation of city managers and administrators. Local governments from across North America are privileged to have such great, talented, and dedicated individuals who will be the future leaders of our communities.”


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!