Brian Bosshardt, deputy county administrator for Los Alamos County, New Mexico, has been an ICMA member since 1997. Prior to his appointment as deputy county manager in 2012, he served as assistant to the county administrator in Los Alamos County.

From 2001 to 2010, Bosshardt held several positions with the city of Chandler, Arizona, including organizational development administrator, assistant to the mayor and city council, and manager of the Office of Neighborhood Programs. His public service career began in the city of Westminster, Colorado, where he worked as the community-oriented governance coordinator, managing neighborhood outreach efforts from 1999 to 2001.

He holds two degrees, a master’s degree in public administration from Arizona State University and an undergraduate degree in political science from Hamline University in Minnesota.

Like many ICMA members, Bosshardt has noticed a few challenges in the profession. One challenge is “the demands for and expectations of service remain while the fiscal environment continues to require us to look for creative ways to rethink how we conduct business.” One way that Los Alamos has confronted this problem is through a regional approach “by bringing together Northern New Mexico communities to create a space for dialogue to occur around common areas of interest. Economic development and job creation are goals for us all. The regional approach helps enforce a message that when one benefits, the entire region can benefit as well” says Bosshardt.

When asked how ICMA membership has helped him in this profession, Bosshardt replied, “My membership in ICMA has served to magnify the value that I derive from the work that we do. Through ICMA, I’ve developed a trusted team of true friends and colleagues that have played a major role in my career development and the joy provided by a life of public service.”

He went on to say, “ICMA provides multiple venues for all members to forge career- and life-long professional relationships with their peers. It is important for the next generation of managers to understand the value provided by that type of relationship building and the benefits associated with taking advantage of the various offerings of ICMA.”



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