The City of Kansas City, Mo., will launch its new KC Green Neighborhood Recognition Program Monday, April 22 in honor of Earth Day. The program, a part of the City’s KC Green initiative, will recognize registered neighborhoods that have broadly implemented sustainable practices.

Registered neighborhoods may apply to be a KC Green Neighborhood between now and Monday, June 3 online at The City will award neighborhoods with a Platinum, Gold or Silver designation based on the green/sustainable initiatives they have implemented. Winners will be announced in the fall.

Neighborhoods selected for recognition will receive neighborhood signage; acknowledgment of their efforts in City publications and on the City’s cable channel, KCCG-TV2; access to various sustainability workshops; and an eco-gift to help them continue their neighborhood’s progress toward sustainability.

“We are consistently impressed with the sustainable projects and activities so many Kansas City residents complete, such as adding energy efficient upgrades, opening a community garden or reusing vacant lots,” said Chief Environmental Officer Dennis Murphey. “The City would like to publicly recognize their efforts and assist them with their future green initiatives.”

The City’s KC Green initiative works to advance social equity, economic vitality and environmental quality by promoting sustainable practices in projects and programs citywide. KC Green is led by four staff-level Green Teams (Education & Outreach, Regulation & Policy, Resource Management, and Green Infrastructure) that develop recommendations to incorporate additional green and sustainable elements into all aspects of municipal operations.

For more information on the KC Green Neighborhood Recognition Program, visit, email or call Colleen Doctorian at 816-513-1377.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!