As we look ahead to 2018, let’s take a moment to look back at what happened in 2017. Here is a list of the most-viewed ICMA content of 2017.
Most Viewed News Articles
3 Ways to Improve Police/Community Relations
Your role as a local government manager requires you to support your police department and to serve as an advocate for your community. Here are three ways you can accomplish both of those goals.
9 Ways to Fight the Opioid Crisis in Your Community
These are difficult times for many communities. Budgets are being cut, resources are dwindling. Law enforcement personnel, county officials, social services agencies, and health care providers are struggling to do more with less. At the same time, the opioid epidemic is devastating families and communities throughout America.
5 Myths about Police Metrics
Because police and fire departments represent a large portion of a local government’s operating budget, managers and elected officials are eager to measure the departments’ performance. But they often struggle to identify the most meaningful metrics to use. In the ICMA webinar “Making Good Data-Driven Decisions by Asking Your Police Chief the Right Questions,” Leonard Matarese busts some common myths about police metrics.
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Most Viewed PM Magazine Articles
7 Secrets That Can Increase Your Leadership Impact
In today’s climate of unprecedented change, intense competition and more demanding customers, leaders can’t hold back or shrink. Team members need leadership to model the way because all they see in this modern-day complexity is uncertainty and that leads to anxiety. They are looking to leadership for certainty, definitive guidance, vision, and a solid commitment. This is an opportunity for leadership impact. Here are the seven key actions that can help increase leadership impact.
To Text or Not to Text
We live our lives in an increasingly digital age, with shifting social customs. With more connectivity, come more questions—and gaffes. These days, this question can be asked: Is texting work colleagues perfectly acceptable or extremely uncouth? Here are some guidelines for when it is and isn’t appropriate.
Taking the P3 Route to Reinvent Downtown
Local governments around the world can find themselves in a fierce competition for growth. The engine for that growth is the presence of young, mobile, and well-educated professionals. These are the people who fill the jobs that localities are able to create.
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Most Viewed ICMA Blog Posts
What Chipping Paint Taught Me About Finding Meaning at Work
An illustration on how powerful it is for people to have a clear understanding of their role and why it matters in the grand scheme of things.
My City Manager Left – Now What?
Whether you have been in your position for years, or are relatively new to your role, having someone new to report to can be intimidating, but there are proactive steps you can take to smooth the transition and make sure your new manager sees you as someone he or she can count on.
The Confidence Gap. Is It Holding Women Back?
Advice for women leaders: Don't take yourself out of the running for the top job because you think you're not ready.
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Most Downloaded Documents
Breaking Into Local Government
With case studies that highlight the transition of nontraditional managers into professional administrator positions, this guide provides a number of resources in the appendix that will help those who aspire to follow the same career path.
Preparing for an Interview
Congratulations! Your resume or application has passed muster, and you have been asked for an interview. Give yourself a pat on the back, because that can be the biggest hurdle. But be aware that this is the stage where things really begin to get interesting! Interviews can be conducted via phone, in person, or a combination of the two, so be prepared. Following are some recommendations as you prepare for your interview.
ICMA Code of Ethics
The mission of ICMA is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional local government management worldwide. To further this mission, certain principles, as enforced by the Rules of Procedure, shall govern the conduct of every member of ICMA.
Click here to access all of ICMA's documents
Most Listened to Local Gov Life Podcasts
Season 1 - Episode 6: Attracting the Next Generation of Leaders
In this episode of Local Gov Life, we ask next-generation leaders and managers about effective ways to attract and retain young talent in local government
Season 1 - Episode 5: Innovative Tools to Fight Against the Opioid Crisis
In this episode of Local Gov Life, local government experts share the use of innovative tools to combat the opioid epidemic in their communities.
Season 2 - Episode 1: Administrator Breaks Down Reacting, Recovering, and Rebuilding from a Hurricane Disaster
In this episode of Local Gov Life, Paul Shives looks back at preparedness and response efforts from the worst natural disaster in New Jersey's history.
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Most Purchased Digital Publications
Managing Local Government Services
This book has been written for local government professionals who lead and manage cities and counties and who are responsible for the efficient, effective, and equitable administration of services to citizens.
Managing Local Government Services: Cases in Effectiveness
This book presents real-life dilemmas experienced by local managers making important decisions about supervising, hiring, economic development, staff misconduct, problem analysis in a political environment, sustainability, and more.
Human Resource Management in Local Government: An Essential Guide
This book is intended to assist city and county executives, department heads, and other supervisory employees of relatively small jurisdictions, as well as students who will be serving in smaller local governments, in implementing sound human resource management practices.
Click here to search ICMA's Digital Bookstore
Most Visited Topic Pages
Career Resources
ICMA’s Career Resources can meet you at every stage of your career. If you are a student interested in learning more about a career in local government management, are looking for a job, want to take your career to the next level, enhance your talents in an executive position, or find ways to give back to the profession, explore the resources on here and within the subtopics.
Managing Local Government
ICMA provides a wide range of management resources to support local leaders in advancing well-run government. This includes research and documents on such topics as personnel management, strategic planning, organizational performance, and other internal management activities; professional development and training on essential skills and competencies for local government managers; participation in the public policy arena; and direct technical assistance to address key management challenges domestically and internationally.
Leadership and Ethics
ICMA's Leadership and Ethics page offers content on topics such as leading and managing yourself, leading and managing others, as well as leading and managing the community.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!