The ICMA Annual Awards Program is pleased to announce the addition of a new professional award celebrating the contributions of next generation managers to local government. The Early Career Leadership Award in Memory of William H. Hansell Jr. will annually recognize an outstanding early career professional who has demonstrated leadership, competency, and commitment to local government management.  The award will be offered for five years, starting in 2014.

Hansell 2013


Through the generous support of strategic partner ICMA-RC, this award was created to honor the legacy of former ICMA executive director Bill Hansell and his lifelong commitment to the value of professional development. The award will be accompanied by a $5,000 stipend to promote the professional development of the award recipient.  

“ICMA-RC is honored to play a role in the new Bill Hansell Award” said ICMA-RC president and CEO, Joan McCallen. "Bill’s boundless energy in support of local government and love for the people who served was endless and we feel privileged to lend our support to the award.”

ICMA encourages members to consider nominating rising stars in the profession for this new award. Eligibility criteria will include:

  • Active ICMA member status
  • Less than 10 years of service to local government
  • Endorsement of a past or present local government chief administrator or elected official.

Nominations for annual awards will be accepted January 1 through March 3, 2014. Visit the awards page of the ICMA website for more information on the annual awards program. Contact Felicia Littky, program manager, at or 202/962-3656 with questions.





This award is made possible through generous support from our partner, ICMA-RC.


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!