The Center for Public Safety Management, LLC, which formerly operated as a U.S. Programs Center within ICMA, will offer its consulting services as a stand-alone, independent organization beginning July 1, 2014. ICMA has entered into an exclusive agreement with the center to continue to provide public safety technical assistance to ICMA members and local governments. The center will also offer training, research, publications, and other assistance, as well as serve as a liaison to federal public safety entities such as the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Leonard Matarese, MPA, ICMA-CM, IPMA-CP, director of Public Safety Research and Project Development while at ICMA, will serve in the same capacity with the newly independent Center for Public Safety Management.
“We’re excited about the idea of being able to continue our service to ICMA members and local governments as the exclusive provider of public safety technical assistance for ICMA,” he said. “We plan to provide the same outstanding service, with the same principals and subject matter experts, that local governments have come to expect from us in our seven-year history as part of ICMA.” He added that the center will include a mix of on-staff professionals as well as subject matter experts to support specific client needs.
The center will continue to offer its data driven, forensic workload analysis of police, fire, EMS, and dispatch services to help local governments optimize their workforce and budgets, as well as provide assistance in hiring and selecting fire and police chiefs. ICMA will collaborate with experts from the center on training and professional development programs as well as publications.
Other members of the Center for Public Safety Management senior leadership team are Tom Wieczorek, director, and Dov Chelst, Ph.D., director of Quantitative Analysis. As individual ICMA members, the center team will continue to subscribe to the ICMA Code of Ethics. As an independent organization, the center will subscribe the ICMA Corporate Code of Ethics, which embodies the ideals of ICMA's original Code of Ethics and governs the conduct and actions of all ICMA partners.
The Center for Public Safety Management is located at 475 K Street, NW; Suite 702; Washington, DC 20001. For more information or to schedule an onsite assessment, contact:
- Tom Wieczorek, director, 616-813-3782; twieczorek@cpsm.us
- Leonard Matarese, director of Research and Project Development, 716-969-1360, lmatarese@cpsm.us
- Dr. Dov Chelst, director of Quantitative Analysis, 732-236-4960; dchelst@cpsm.us.
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