The world is watching the tragic situation unfolding in Ukraine. While ICMA can do virtually nothing to stop the conflict, we can try to assist those in need and encourage others to do the same.
ICMA CEO/ Executive Director Marc Ott recently issued a statement condemning the violence and expressing appreciation for the public servants–and many others–who continue to do their jobs even in these most challenging circumstances. Additionally, ICMA has made a direct contribution to one of our affiliates, the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC), accompanied by a letter of support from ICMA President Troy Brown.
As a next step, ICMA is holding a fundraising campaign that will encourage ICMA members, staff, affiliates, friends, and others to make direct contributions to their choice of charitable organizations currently operating in Ukraine. The organizations that were identified are:
The campaign will take place March 29 to April 15. To amplify the campaign’s impact, ICMA will provide matching contributions capped at $5,000.
If you would like to contribute to this fundraising for Ukraine, please:
- Go to the website of the organization that you want to support (one or more of the three listed above).
- Donate directly to the organization by following the steps on the organization's website.
- Send your receipt/confirmation for donation to invoicerequest@icma.org until April 15. That way, ICMA can match your contribution.
ICMA’s role in the future of Ukraine is largely unwritten. However, we stand ready to assist, like we have in other places, with the recovery and rebuilding of local governance and communities in the aftermath of this tragic conflict. Until that day comes, we will do what we can with initiatives like this campaign.
New, Reduced Membership Dues
A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!