The City of Franklin recently received the Outstanding Planning Award from the Tennessee chapter of the American Planning Association (APA) for the Carothers Parkway & East McEwen Drive Integrated Growth Plan. The award was given during the organization’s annual fall conference held in Kingsport, Tennessee.
Initiated in the summer of 2012, the Integrated Growth Plan provides direction for developers, utilities, and staff rights-of-way for future development along the two major roads. This will allow developers to understand the limits of where they can develop.
The original idea for the plan came from staff. “There’s already been so much interest in that corridor,” stated City Administrator Eric Stuckey. “I commend our staff for having the foresight to create a plan such as this which will help us plan for future development in that area.” The plan is a joint effort of the Engineering and Planning and Sustainability departments. Consultants Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. were hired to oversee the project which involved a series of meetings with various staff members to define the scope of the project as well as meetings with over 15 developers who have shown interest in the area.
The Integrated Growth Plan, which was approved by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen in February 2013, can be found on the City’s website at http://franklintn.gov/index.aspx?page=990. For more information on the plan please contact the Franklin Communications Manager, Milissa Reierson: Milissa.reierson@franklintn.gov, (615) 550-6629
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