Recently, I had the privilege to hear Kevin Carroll at ASAE Great Ideas Conference in Colorado Springs, CO. His hour presentation, Rediscovering Play: Bringing Fun and Passion to Your Work and Life, provided seven lessons from his book The Rules of the Red Rubber Ball. The theme throughout his presentation was “don’t talk about it be about it.” After reading the short pocket guide on the plane home I felt inspired to share with you in hopes that you can find your red rubber ball.
Carroll, abandoned by his parents at a young age, grew up in a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia with his siblings and grandparents. As a lost child he turned to the playground, finding his red rubber ball, a symbol of sport and play that fueled his dreams.
The playground and gift of speed became his outlet. He followed this passion out of the neighborhood; joined the Army, became a high school athletic trainer, one the NBA’s first black athletic trainers for the Philadelphia 76ers, and was hired by Nike. As a leader at Nike, it was Carroll’s job to inspire and push employee’s creativity to the limit.
In his book, Carroll states, “Your red rubber ball is what grabs you by the soul. It’s what captures your imagination. It’s what you do when no one tells you what to do…it’s what you daydream, and that dream can become your life’s work…if you let it.” Carroll believes dreams start when we’re playing, free and when we imagine something bigger than we are. To discover we must be open to new experiences, ideas and emotions.
Finding your passion is only the beginning. According to Carroll, you must find the courage, strength and imagination needed to press forward. Below is a short description of his seven rules with favorite quotes from the book:
Commit to It
“Bouncin that ball will get you nowhere!”
Once you find your red rubber ball you must commit to it. Allow it to be your roadmap for your studies, work, how you live, and your personal life.
Seek Out Encouragers
“Build relationships with people who have a genuine interest in you.”
Encouragers are supportive, provide guidance, challenge you and give you the courage to act. This maybe someone who is unexpected.
Work Out Your Creative Muscle
“Look at the world with the innocent eyes of a child by approaching everything in your life with wonder, not assumption.”
Carroll talks about the importance of constant creativity, because the path in life will not always be obvious or easy to follow. He encourages us to break out of our routine everyday and stretch our creative muscle.
Prepare to Shine
“Pursuing your life’s work requires work. The hard work, the lonely work, is not always enjoyable, but as long as you do it in the name of your red rubber ball, you will shine.”
Preparing to shine means that we have to do the lonely work including the work that will go unnoticed. This includes practice, listening and learning from others.
Speak Up
“You are never trapped as long as you are brave, smart and strategic in your escape.”
Carroll is not encouraging the reader to disregard rules but to challenge boundaries by saying yes when others say no, and no when others say yes.
Expect the Unexpected
“Expect the unexpected and embrace it”
Expect the unexpected is looking for and respected coincidences. Having faith in those twists and turns in life.
Maximize the Day
“86,400 Opportunities (in a day) to chase, kick catch and run after your red rubber ball.”
To maximize the day Carroll talks about this chase being more than a New Year’s resolution. It is a constant pursuit.
In conclusion I ask, what is your red rubber ball? Carroll asked the reader several questions to help answer this question:
What would you do for free?
What activities enthrall you?
What in life do you find irresistible, a source of inspiration, a reason to get out of bed?
What dream do you chase?
What topics do you love to discuss and ponder?
What’s your primal source of joy?
Next month we will look tap into Kevin Carroll’s idea of work and play can coexist by reviewing “The Red Rubber Ball at Work.”
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