With warm, sunny weather comes increased bike and foot traffic. Families are out walking; shoppers, diners, and bar patrons can be seen strolling and cycling; and events from Dream Cruise to DIY and Funky Ferndale regularly draw hundreds or thousands to Nine Mile's street and sidewalks. 

With a diverse abundance of traffic on local walkways, it can be difficult to keep people safe. That's why the City of Ferndale has launched a new campaign: Walk Your Wheels. 

The idea is simple. Sidewalks in areas of both downtown and east Ferndale are heavily used, and therefore prone to make both pedestrians and cyclists unsafe. So we're asking that these walkways be used for exactly that—walking. If you're on a bike, be a pal and walk your wheels. 

The City has posted signs throughout the downtown district, including initial blocks of both Nine Mile Rd. and Woodward Ave., as well as E. Nine Mile Rd. between Woodward Ave. and Paxton. Whenever you see these signs—or when you're riding on a busy stretch of sidewalk—hop off and walk. 


For further reading and to view the signs used for the campaign, visit the Ferndale municipal webpage by clicking here.

New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!