You’ve probably been in a room when a particular person enters it—whether it be a politician, doctor, actor, manager, or person off the street—and all eyes turn to that person. Women and men who can command a room and connect with people almost immediately can be labeled as having executive presence.
David Limardi, David Morrison, and Daven Morrison, authors of the June PM’s cover story “Executive Presence: Do You Have the Leadership “Wow” Factor,” believe that most people have been affected by the concept of executive presence, in most cases unknowingly, because it is not a topic people spend much time thinking about.
The subject leads to these questions: Can executive presence be defined? What impact does it have on successful leaders? Is it merely a perception, or are there core characteristics that can be considered?
As a manager, do you know how you are viewed as a leader? Do you have that “wow” factor that maximizes influence and motivation when you walk into a meeting?
Based on years of the three authors’ participation in local government management and advising and observing managers, they believe there are these four core characteristics that define executive presence and its impact on successful outcomes in the public sector:
- Seriousness of purpose. Leaders with executive presence generate a perception that they should be followed. They possess a seriousness of purpose that is clearly communicated.
- Ability to forge relationships built on trust. Leaders with executive presence are expert in developing relationships built on trust and communicating and keeping a promise.
- Strong personal connection. Leaders with executive presence draw people in and maintain that connection.
- Focused awareness. Leaders with executive presence are fully present, focused, and attentive to the needs of others.
For more detailed information on these four defining characteristics, read the June PM cover story.
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