“…cooperation is spawned from a fundamental recognition that one individual cannot exist without others, that only in relationship can individuals be fully themselves.  The instinct of community is everywhere in life.”   The Paradox and Promise of Community Margaret J. Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers

Whether from your Alliance regional director, our website, or any of the learning events and materials that you have viewed, most likely you have heard the Alliance discuss our approach in encouraging innovation in local government – through a community of practice.  To each member, this community conjures many ideas and the tangible and intangible value that one gains from this
community of practice is just as diverse.  

In The Community of the Future from the Drucker Foundation, Peter Drucker himself writes of human beings most basic need for community.  Various essays within the book describe this need and provide additional details explaining human need at a biological level.  Humans, on the one hand, have the need for autonomy, for self-determination, and on the other hand, the need for each other, for relationships.  “It is only in our relationships with others that we are clearly able to see ourselves.”    

Substantial attention is also provided to
organizations of the future and their transformation towards community.  

Dynamic organizational communities of the future will be built by using communications technology that is asynchronous, global and collaborative.  Asynchronous communication implies communication not limited to having all parties participate at the same time.  Global communication allows communication to occur without limiting participants by place, area or region.  

Collaborative communication removes constraints on the number of participants who can add value and build upon each other’s contribution.  New technological tools can further progress communities of practice by enhancing “quality of interactions over time and space, creating teams, knocking down walls, and bringing people closer together.”  
As we approach the launch of our new Knowledge Network in partnership with ICMA, we thought we would just take a moment to reflect on the value this new technology brings to our membership, and the value it will bring in building an even more vibrant community of practice among all of us.  

What calls us together?
What is possible together that is not possible alone?
What do you hope to build and share with others?

Case studies, virtual learning, innovation awards, Transforming Local Government Conference, regional conference sessions, connections with other members, hot topic research, national Q&A, Ideas Quarterly and Transformations Newsletter – although not exhaustive, this list represents the ways in which through you, we realize our community of practice.  

Through experimenting, learning, sharing, adapting, we have created a community of practice built by members dedicated to innovation.  This community is reducing the learning curve of adoption of new ideas while furthering the work of local government.    

The new Knowledge Network is a natural extension of our community of practice, and will enhance our already vibrant community by enriching our interactions and ability to collaborate with one another.  Through it, “members develop new talents and new abilities as they work out relationships with others.  Both individuals and systems grow in skill and complexity.  Communities increase the capacity and complexity of life over time.”  

Jon Lewis, an Ambassador and Deputy City Manager of Palm Bay, FL leaves you this note.  I recently heard someone say, “When you are on a diet you don’t stand next to the desert cart.”  Interesting thought, I happen to believe the opposite is true as well.  If you want your organization to exude an innovative and progressive culture then you need to surround yourself with others who want the same for their organizations.  When you surround yourself with people who are constantly trying to break new ground, it can push you to new limits. The same is true for organizations. I have been fortunate enough to work for three local governments who have all been Alliance for Innovation members. Surrounding myself with others members from around the country that want something new for their organization has pushed me to try the same for the organizations I have been in.   In my opinion the Alliance for Innovation provides the single strongest concentration of local governments that want to innovate to the benefit of their citizens.

What does Community of Practice mean to you?
As an ambassador, here are a few ideas for you to consider in creating a personally enriching experience within the Alliance Community of Practice.

Participate in:
Case studies, virtual learning, innovation awards, Transforming Local Government Conference, regional conference sessions, connections with other members, hot topic research, national Q&A, new Knowledge Network, Ideas Quarterly and Transformations Newsletter

Of the list above, consider what activities would provide you rich professional development experience and exposure?

Consider which Alliance activities would assist your organization/department/staff in the learning and sharing of ideas and incorporate those activities in the way in which your department approaches work.
Participate in Ambassador activities.

Join the various Alliance learning and networking groups on the Knowledge Network; groups include:
Alliance for Innovation Members
Alliance for Innovation Ambassadors
Alliance for Innovation Development
Alliance for Innovation Management and Innovation
Alliance for Innovation Organizational Development and Culture

Let us know your thoughts on how you would like to engage or what value you have seen in your participation in our community of practice.  Talk with your regional director!
Alliance for Innovation, in collaboration with ICMA, will launch the new Knowledge Network in May 2010.  Additional information and links will be sent to all Alliance members in the coming weeks.


New, Reduced Membership Dues

A new, reduced dues rate is available for CAOs/ACAOs, along with additional discounts for those in smaller communities, has been implemented. Learn more and be sure to join or renew today!